Wednesday 18 November 2015

"Come Today To Worship" ..iTunes, Google Play & Spotify

I'm thrilled to let you know that "Come Today To Worship (You Are God)" appeared today in the iTunes Store, the Google Play store and is available on Spotify. 90% of any revenue that comes back to me will be donated to the construction of church buildings. I'd be grateful for your support!

Saturday 7 November 2015

“Come Today To Worship” ...invitation, exhortation, celebration!

There are so many amazing stories where God has been powerfully at work in the lives of people in our church family.  “Come Today To Worship” is a personal expression of gratitude to the Lord.  I’m led to worship Him again when I see Him cornering someone in their sin and compelling them to come clean with Him.  It’s also a corporate call to join me in the worship of the One who continues to do what He alone can do...rescue, heal, deliver.  He alone is God!

Available on iTunes, Amazon, GooglePlay, Spotify, etc.